Saturday, October 20, 2007

Bach Fugue No. 9 in E Major

Here is my analysis:

Subject mm. 1-2 (E)
Answer mm. 2-4 (B)
Subject mm. 4-5 (E)
Answer mm. 5-7 (B)
Bridge mm. 7-9
Subject mm. 9-11 (E)
Answer mm. 10-12 (B)

Episode 1 (Subject w/ C.S.) mm. 16-17 (E)
Episode 2 (Answer w/ C.S.) mm. 17-18) (B)
Episode 3 mm. 19-20 (B)
Episode 4 mm. 20-21 (F#)
Episode 5 mm. 20-22 (G#)
Episode 6 mm. 25-26 (G#) Diminution of Subject
Episode 7 mm. 26-27 (G#) Diminution
Episode 8 mm. 27-28 (D) Diminution
Episode 9 mm. 28-29 (F#) Diminution
Episode 10 mm. 29-30 (B) Diminution
Episode 11 mm. 30 (B) Diminution
Episode 12 mm. 30-32 (E)

Final Section: Subject returns in outer voices and in its original note values.
Subject mm. 35-37 (E)
Answer mm. 36-38 (B)
Subject mm. 37-39 (E)
Answer mm. 40-41 (B)

Those are my thoughts! Let me know what you've found!



sarah s said...

ok so I think I got all of the same entrances as you did except for one more in m. 35 in B major. I definitely agree that diminution was the main thing Bach used for the episodes, but I'm not sure about the counter-subject. I'm sure there's a case for it, but if there is one I think it's the half-note tied to a quarter, eighth, eighth" motive that comes in several times, I'm just not sure that it's often enough to be a counter-subject. I also think that the exposition might be over at the beginning of m. 7 because the subject appears in m. 7 in B major with a slightly different rhythm...just something to think about...great job Shelley!

misterpianoman said...

I THINK... that the subjects are longer then what you put. 1st subject goes from m1 and ends on the half note B in m3. I think that the bass in m4 in counter subject. Also with the 2nd subject... i think it goes 4 to the B in m6 over lapping the answer which starts in m5 and ends in 7.

I agree with your bridge. the only thing different is that I think it starts in m6 overlapping the previous sub and ans. All you keys are correct.

I agree with the 3rd subject starting in 9, but the answer also starts in m9. Overlapping the subject. For me it is her to follow that subject and answer. I think it is acctually a transition from m10 to m15. what do you think?

Then just like you, i had the development starting in m16.

That is what i have so far. i need to go perform for Steve Green.........

Ben said...

Yep, subject in mm.1 with answer in mm. 2 on B. Measures 7-9 were hard to identify for me and so "bridge" works. I agree that 16 looks like the start of something new (subject in lower voice in treble). Don't have much on measures 23-24. Subject again in Bass voicing of mm. 25. So countersubject does not appear until development?

Anonymous said...


Shelley, I agree with you on everying in the Exposition. I think that it extends all the way until the last half of m. 17 and the countersubject takes us straight into the Development at m. 19. The reason i think that is because 16 - 18 still contain a subject (m. 17) and an answer (m. 18) that are both in the original keys.

The only change I have from the development is the amount of episodes...considering that I have put the development later. Also, your episodes 11 and 12, which are my episodes 8 (original subject) and 9 (original answer).

everything else i agree with.

SamanthaW said...

I have mostly the same as you except with an episode or two at 25-26, It's not quite close enough to be a diminution of the subject until the end of mm. 26 where it picks up in G#m, I believe.

I would have to agree with Brenden that the exposition probably going until mm. 18 with the Development beginning in 19 in the key of B.

Daniel White said...

The detail is quite nice, and easy to follow in the point-by-point format. I agree with most of what I see, but I too, believe the Development starts in mm. 19. Other than that it looks great!